Monday, November 26, 2018

TV Series Idea: Pagan Gods V.S. Christian Gods (The Chronicle of Lucifer and Diana)


1. Lucifer is known to be a demon in Christian faith and a fallen angel of the Christian god Yahweh (known in early religion), but what people doesn't know is that like most demon of the Christian faith, Lucifer is actually a god, which the bible accuse of been a demon, based on its idea that the Christian god is the one and only true god.

Lucifer is an ancient Roman Sun god. According to Roman mythology there are three sun gods, amount the first and most important, is Lucifer, who bring the morning light, holding a sun torch and bring light to the people, he will than pass it to the second sun god that will take the torch through to the noon and then he pass the torch to the third sun god that take it into the night.

According to Roman mythology Lucifer is married to Diana the goddess of the moon, animal and the hunt. Lucifer and Diana have one child, whom is the goddess of witches, also known as the goddess of science, due to, in ancient days, people can't tell the difference between science a magic and thought science are of magical nature, thus, science and witchcraft was seen as one and the same, as a result, witches was highly respected, as they not only cover aspect of what we today consider as voodoo none sense, but also actual scientific knowledge in many arenas, including medicine, nearly all of the earliest human knowledge in medicine, origin from Pagan witchcraft, as witches conduct various experiment to understand the healing power of different herbs (only they thought the herb heal via magic)

2. Chinese novel, Return of the Condor Hero where the main character, Dragon girl (小龍女) and Guo Yang (楊過) in many ways fit the image of Diana and Lucifer, as a couple. Especially the lead female Dragon girl  her personality in many way is the same as Diana. According to Roman mythology, Diana was a shy, beautiful and elegant woman that like her quiet and excluded life, in the wild remove from people and married her apprentice Lucifer, who is a bit as a wild child and love the life of been in city and town, yet the two completely unlikely people become a most in love couple, the mythology probably inspire by the fact that how sometime, opposite attract and two unlikely people that got nothing in common, become the best long lasting couple, for some odd reason. The Chinese novel Return of the Condor Hero, also depict its main character Dragon girl as a shy, beautiful and elegant, but powerful female warrior that like her quiet and excluded life remove from the world, until on her 16th birthday she was interrupted by the 13 years old orphan Guo Yang, Guy Yang became the Dragon girl's apprentice, but as time went by they fall in love and got married in their early 20s.

3. Buddhism and Hindu believe of 6 realm: The top realm is the Gods and Demons, second realm is Demi Gods and Demi Demons, third realm are humans, fourth realm are animals, fifth realm are monsters and the lowest sixth realm are tortured souls. Buddhist and Hindu believe, good karma can get a soul to higher realm and bad karma get a soul to lower realm. As a result, most on the top realm are gods. But, because both Gods and Demons are of the top realm, they are in fact equally powerful. But because the gods outnumber the demons, the Gods always come out on top, in the end. Good Karma helps to elevate a soul to a higher realm, bad Karma lead a soul to move to a lower level. Thus, the higher the level, the more good souls and the lower the level, the more evil soul. Thus, gods outnumber demons dramatically, due to God and Demon is of the highest realm and Demons are just evil gods. In the lowest realm there will be more evil souls then good souls.


In the year 5AC, the Gods abandon the Roman Empire, feeling their ill treatment of slaves to be an outrage. Yahweh the god of jealously, is jealous whenever he saw any other gods been worshipped and been honoured and obeyed. So, Yahweh demand for all of humans to worship him as one and only true god and to serve his will and want to kill anybody that refuse, but originally was not able to do it. But when the other gods abandon the Romans, Yahweh see his opportunity and seize control, when the other gods realized it, it was too late.

Yahweh and his men first seize control of Europe and started moving their way, forward to conquer the world...

The demon Morgana seeks revenge upon her former lover, a Roman who discarded her for the daughter of a Grand Chieftain of England, so he can become the King of England. The God of thunder, Jupiter, (also known as Thor in Northern Europe and Zeus in Greek) came to rescue the King and their child, but they didn't have here in time and the King and his wife are already dead. Morgana shocked to find the King's daughter, the princess, is in fact her own daughter, decided not to kill her, but captured her and took her away. When Jupiter and his wife Juno arrived, they saw a seriously injured child, Lucifer, who is injured after accidentally absorbing a magical toxin left by Morgana. Lucifer, is also the god son of Oceanus one of the original Titan Gods, who taught him, some basic skills, which helps him to survive the toxin of Morgana

Later, Jupiter and Juno released the toxins of Morgana from Lucifer's body. Jupiter discovered that Lucifer is the son of the demon Pluto, which is also his brother and decided to adopt him, so Lucifer will no longer be an orphan living on the streets. Jupiter intent to train Lucifer, to replace him as the god of thunder, but every time, Jupiter's wife Juno saw Lucifer, it reminded her of Lucifer's father Pluto. Juno is also the King of the Gypsies, convinced Jupiter to put Lucifer, under her care, instead. Jupiter agreed, but Juno fearing Lucifer would become a demon like his father, refuse to teach Lucifer anything, other than philosophy of ethic.

Lucifer thought Juno was been prejudice towards him, adding to the fact, Juno's daughter Rose and Juno's two male apprentices, bashing up Lucifer every day, one day Lucifer used the skills Oceanus taught him and seriously injured the two boys. As a result, Jupiter send Lucifer to mount Olympus, to study in the school, which himself was once a student. The principle of the school, made Lucifer the apprentice of Prefect Barachiel, but Barachiel bullied Lucifer, jealous of Lucifer coming from such a noble bloodline. Lucifer escaped from the school and accidentally came across the teenage goddess Diana. Diana and Morgana are also the last two Amazonian warrior women left, in the world. Diana broke the rule of Amazonian women and took Lucifer to become her apprentice, making Lucifer the first male, to ever become an Amazonian. The two of them, live together in a secret cave, upon Mount Olympus and grew up together and grew closer with days.

When Diana and Lucifer are learning the last and most powerful of the Amazonian magic named "the jade lesbian" they form a magic pentagon where they sat within, to gain its power via moon light. But Barachiel and another Prefect upon the school of Mount Olympus Aloadae accidentally, trespass into the pentagon and interrupted its flow of energy, causing a feedback that seriously injured Diana.

Diana and Lucifer returned to their cave, but came across Morgana who is also after the spell book of "the jade lesbian" Diana and Lucifer used the booby trap to trap Morgana within the cave and escaped and found another location upon Mount Olympus to live on and eventually bumped into Lucifer's god father Oceanus. Oceanus decided he would teach Lucifer the remaining of his skill, but he didn't want Diana to see it, so, he placed Diana into a deep sleep, while he taught Lucifer.

Alpheus lusted for Diana for a long time and Barachiel whom is jealous of  Alpheus been a complete teacher pet, lour Alpheus to the bed of Diana and placed him under the lust spell. Under the lust spell,  Alpheus cannot, withhold his lustful desire, he cast an illusion spell upon the half asleep Diana making her see, and her heart desire, so she would not refuse and then he made love to Diana and took her virginity. But Diana thought it was Lucifer that she made love to, when Lucifer returned, Diana told Lucifer that she is willing to be his wife. Lucifer, was shocked by this out of the blue suggestion, didn't know how to respond. Diana felt betrayed, but she didn't want to kill Lucifer and choose to leave mount Olympus. After Diana left, Lucifer realized he also love Diana and left Mount Olympus to search for her. During his journey to search for Diana, Lucifer came across three warriors that want to kill Attila the Hun and later, in the South Pore saw the God Hyperion and his god father Oceanus two of the last Titan gods, battle each other and both of them died.

Later, Lucifer heard of gathering heroes of the world, in Persia, the gathering is to fight the crusader army of Yahweh from Rome. Lucifer decided to go there, hoping to learn of news of Diana's where about. To Lucifer's surprise, the gathering is hosted by Jupiter and at the meeting is also Prefect send from the school of Mount Olympus and here Jupiter and Juno learn of how Lucifer has left that school, for many years. Diana also came here, hoping to find news of Lucifer and when Lucifer and Diana saw each other, they were over joy. During the gathering, Yahweh's top warrior Michael and Michael's two apprentices Gabriel and Raphael, also came to challenge the warriors, in a competition of battle. The two side agree, to fight three match, the first side to win two match, is the winner. Gabriel used trickery to defeat Novensides, the god of inscription. During this time, Lucifer and Diana showed up, using Amazonian sword skill, "Lesbian heart sword technique" and defeated Michael. 

Jupiter decided Lucifer has proven himself to be an upstanding young man, wanting to marry his daughter Rose, to Lucifer. But Lucifer was rejected the offer and wanted to take Diana to be his bride. But because Diana and Lucifer's master and apprentice relationship, getting married was seen as taboo, by the gods, the two of them decided to leave Persia. After Lucifer and Diana left Persia, Rose was kidnapped by Michael. Lucifer and Diana once again fought against Michael and saved Rose's life and return Rose to Juno. Juno convinced Diana it is best for both her and Lucifer, to let go of their love, because of how society sees it. After Diana left, Lucifer, Juno and Rose once again come across Michael. Lucifer and Juno used trickery to defeat Michael and also got help from the Titan god Cronus, whom is also Juno's father.

Cronus decided to let Lucifer become his apprentice, Lucifer also learn from Flora the goddess of flower that Helen is the former princess of England, before Morgana killed her father and the Morgana is actually the princess' real mother. After rescuing Lucifer, Helen and Flora, from Morgana, Cronus started teaching Lucifer, advance skills that could let him been able to finally defeat Morgana. But, Lucifer then learned from a retarded that Cronus adopted to be his daughter that Jupiter have something to do with his father's death, suspected Jupiter to be the one who killed his father. Out of anger, Lucifer, side with Yahweh, introduced to Yahweh via Michael, Lucifer became an archangel of Yahweh. Within the camp of Yahweh, Lucifer accidentally came across the god Cupid that accidentally intrudes upon the territory of Yahweh. But Cupid soon escaped the capture of Yahweh camp, but outside the camp, he was captured by a mystery third party. Lucifer, Michael and number of arch angels enter this valley outside the camp to discover what is going on here and accidentally know Uriel, the master of the cave. Cupid has already intruded upon their territory number of times, so they lay a trap to catch him. Michael wanting to recruit Uriel and his men to the camp of Yahweh and make Uriel an archangel of Yahweh.

Cupid once again escaped, but in the cave Lucifer was shocked to see Diana there. Diana refuses to acknowledge this is her identity and insist she is Uriel's fiancée. It turns out, after Diana left Lucifer, she got seriously injured once, but was saved by Uriel and afterwards, agrees to marry him. Lucifer, refuse to believe that Diana is not Diana and kept asking about her identity. This outraged Uriel whom decided he is going to kill Lucifer. Diana admits her identity and saved Lucifer's life and told Uriel she will not marry him. Uriel outrage refuses to let Diana and Lucifer leave. Diana and Lucifer once again used the "Lesbian heart sword technique" and defeated Uriel, but Uriel men, pushed Lucifer into a flower bed, full of magic flower that stab you with toxin. Uriel told Diana, he would also give Lucifer the cure if she marries him. But Lucifer was rescued by Uriel's daughter, but when she tried to find the cure for Lucifer, the angry Uriel killed his own daughter and pushed Lucifer into a giant pit.

Inside the pit, Lucifer found a cripple old lady and found out the old lady is Uriel's wife, whom Uriel tried to murder by pushing into the pit, so he can marry another. For the past ten thousand years, the old lady has been surviving on the olive that grew in the cave. The olives slowly recover the old lady and then she and Lucifer jumped out of the cave and defeated Uriel. The old lady told Lucifer that her brother was also killed by Jupiter and only if he kill Jupiter would she give Lucifer the cure. Lucifer claim, Jupiter is the one who killed his father and he would be happy to kill Jupiter.

After Lucifer, Diana and Michael returned to Yahweh's camp, they learn of Jupiter and Juno has led an army to fend against Yahweh's army, in Persia. Lucifer agrees to be Yahweh's spy in Jupiter's camp and when the time is right, kill Jupiter and return to Persia. Jupiter was overjoyed to see Lucifer and Diana. Lucifer on multiple occasions wanted to kill Jupiter, but was touch by Jupiter's self-sacrifice to protect people of central Asia, against the wrath of Yahweh and his men.

Yahweh sends his envoy to Jupiter's camp, to ask for a peace talk between the two camps. Jupiter agrees to talking to his nephew Yahweh, not knowing Yahweh has set a trap for him. But, with Lucifer's help Lucifer and Jupiter escaped from the trap. But after returning to Persia, Jupiter was also seriously injured and in the same time, Juno whom is pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl. Lucifer and Diana did their best to protect the baby girl, but the child was stolen by Michael, hoping to use her as hostage. Lucifer and Diana went after Michael, but in the chaos of the fight, the baby was once again stolen by Morgana. Morgana thought the child was that of Lucifer and Diana, refuse to give it to Lucifer and want to personally train her and shape the child to grow up becoming her type of Amazonian woman. But on the other hand, Morgana worked with Lucifer to defeat Michael and his men. In the chaos, Lucifer and Diana lost each other. Lucifer kept following Morgana whom have the baby girl and came across the two male apprentices of Juno, both wanting to marry Rose, they started fighting each other. To stop the conflict between the two of them, Lucifer lied saying Jupiter and Juno already agree for Rose to be his wife and ended the conflict and the three of them, then worked together and defeated Morgana. But Morgana still escaped with the baby. The two apprentice of Juno was seriously injured due to absorbing the toxins of Morgana. Knowing he does not have long to live, Lucifer sucked the toxins into his own body and fainted, when he woke up, Lucifer found himself back in the camp of Jupiter. Jupiter explains to Lucifer, by absorbing the poison, it actually allows to neutralize some of the existing toxin in his body, allowing him to live longer.

Rose return to Persia and learn about her baby sister been captured by Morgana and the rumour that she is engaged to Lucifer, she went to confront Lucifer and in a blind rage, she grabbed Lucifer's sword, "the lesbian sun sword" and chopped off Lucifer's right arm. Lucifer escaped from Persia and found himself been saved by a giant eagle, this eagle is Horus, the god of the sky. Horus slowly nurse Lucifer back to health and trained Lucifer in more advanced skills. Eventually Lucifer fully recovered, he left Horus seeking Rose for revenge. But Rose was saved by Juno who defeated Lucifer. Juno decided to send Rose to Japan, but on the road, they came across Morgana and recognized the baby girl in Morgana's arm is her own daughter, planning to steal her baby back from Morgana. To her surprise, Morgana came all the way to Mount Olympus.

After Diana and Lucifer split apart, Diana finally heard of Lucifer's news but, heard of the rumour of Lucifer and Rose is to marry. Diana thought it is true and plan to leave Persia. But accidentally heard overheard 
Aloadae and Barachiel talking, where Barachiel threaten to tell everybody about how Aloadae laid with Diana that night, if Aloadae does not step down as Chief Prefect and give that position to him. An angry Diana wanted to kill Aloadae and Barachiel and chased after them, all the way to mount Olympus. On the way they came across a large army of Yahweh, led by Michael, planning to conquer Mount Olympus first, the last strong hold of the Pagan gods in Europe. Barachiel hoping to be Chief Prefect, agree to join force with Michael and became an archangel of Yahweh. Barachiel, Michael and their army, seek to first defeat the most powerful god on Mount Olympus Cupid. But Cupid was warned by Diana. To thanks Diana, Cupid taught Diana his unique combat style that allows any god, to at the same time, to have the fighting power, of four.

After Diana and Cupid escaped from Michael and Barachiel's trap, they came to the school upon Mount Olympus. The five professors of the school, was training on the top of the mountain. The chaos forced the five professors to come down from the top of the mountain and return to the school. Michael, Barachiel and Yahweh's army charged into the school. But Diana wanted to kill Aloadae with her own two hands and started fighting Barachiel and Michael and to save Diana's life, Aloadae used himself as a human shield against Barachiel's sword. During the time, the five professor of the school just got back to the school, they saw Aloadae dead and out of revenge attacked Diana, seriously injured her. Lucifer who just returned to Mount Olympus noticed something odd is going on, he first placed, Juno and Jupiter's daughter in the secret cave that he and Diana lived in and went up to the school and used the sword of Horus to defeat Michael, Barachiel and all of Yahweh's men. Lucifer and Diana got married in the school, ignoring the opposition of the professors and students of the school and return to their home, the secret cave. In the cave, Lucifer and Diana tend to their wound, in the same time, Juno, Rose and Juno's two apprentices also came to Mount Olympus, with the help of Morgana, they enter the secret cave, where Lucifer and Diana live. Rose wanted to use the opportunity to kill Morgana, but her arrow hit Diana instead. Angry, Lucifer picked up Diana and left the cave, but, the double injury mean, there is no cure for Diana, which can only now wait to die.

But after leaving the cave, Diana and Lucifer bumped into Neptune, the god of the sea, also known as Poseidon the god of the sea and his apprentice. It turns out Neptune's apprentice, is the brother of the old lady within Uriel's valley and thinks he can convince her to give Lucifer and Diana their cure. When the four of them arrived at the valley, they were surprise to find, Juno, Rose and Juno's two apprentices are already here. Morgana is also here. Lucifer returned Juno's baby daughter to her. Morgana fall into bed of toxin flower, she managed to survive by sacrificing her apprentice, but it was too late, for her to escape the toxin effect.

The old lady within Uriel's valley told her brother it is Juno and Jupiter that killed their older brother, causing him to lose his calm and try to kill Juno. But Juno transformed into the appearance of a woman, he once killed when he was still a demon, leading him to put down his hate and desire for revenge.

The old lady then spit out three swords from her mouth and made the a bet with Juno that she will throw the three swords at her, if Juno can refuse dogging the sword and catch the three swords with her mouth and eat it and not be injured. She will give them the pill. Juno easily caught all three swords and ate it and was not injured. During the same time, Uriel whom has been exile from the valley joined force with Morgana and successfully stole the cure to the toxin flower. Although Diana managed to defeat Morgana and Uriel and take back the cure, they realized only the Yan pill that cure male alive, the Yin pill that cure female are all destroyed. Lucifer, not willing to survive without Diana destroyed the entire Yan pill. Morgana was captured by, they threw her into the bed of toxin flowers and set the bed of toxin flower on fire and killed Morgana in the process. Uriel and the old lady, both died, as they try to kill each other.

After seen the male pill, Juno has figured out, how to create the male pill to cure Lucifer. She created five pills for Lucifer and asked Diana for her help to find a way to let Lucifer eat the medicine. Diana thought for a while and wrote on a stone wall "Meet here again, in one thousand years, our love is true, you must show up." and then jumped down into a pit that enter the central of the earth and then suck her into a black hole. Lucifer, does not understand what is going on, Juno quickly said, this is a sign, the goddess Venus, has come to help Diana, but need to take her away to Venus first and Diana will arrived back on earth again, in one thousand years. Not sure, whether Juno was telling the truth or lying to him, Lucifer ate the pill, hoping to see Diana again, in one thousand years. 

For the next one thousand years, Lucifer remain in the shadow, watching over Europe, whenever he saw unjust took place, due to the Church practice inquisition or other influence of Christian value, Lucifer would do get involve. Because for so many time, Lucifer protected people from been persecuted for violating the teaching of the church, thus, allow people to be seduce by their desire to act in a manner that contradict the church, the church label Lucifer as a great evil and seducer that seduce people to conduct acts of evil. However, there was also that who love Lucifer in secret but does not dare to speak of it. Lucifer, also once transformed himself, down to earth and was known as Merlin and later Robin Hood. The baby daughter of Jupiter and Juno has now grew up and was named Persia, after the place she was born she and her sister Rose was invited to attend another gathering of gods, upon mount Olympus. While returning to central Asia, Persia heard of the story of Lucifer, while he reveals himself to men as Robin Hood. Intrigue by the story, Persia follow the crowd to the place, legion say to be once Robin Hood's home, Persia accidentally witness Lucifer exercising his wrath upon three Christian priest that is to execute three women for practicing witchcraft, where Lucifer first rescued the women, by letting the sky rain, thus, ended the fire that is to burn the women on the stake and then call upon lightening to strike down upon the priest that ordered the execution, killing the priest on the spot. The mortals cannot see this is Lucifer exercising his magic, but Persia can. Persia then follow Lucifer to the South Pole, where a woman name Psyche live, Psyche is over 5000 years old, once a beautiful princess, Psyche is now an elderly lady, she is the lover of Cupid, to find a magical fox. Psyche became a priestess of Neptune, but was seduced by Cupid and seized been a virgin and when her baby's life is in danger haunted by demons, Neptune refuse to help her. Neptune since then felt guilty and came to the South Pole to ask Psyche for her forgiveness. There Lucifer, saw Cupid, Psyche and Neptune was able to finally put their unpleasant past behind them and Cupid and Psyche finally got back together and Cupid gave Psyche back her youth. Psych allows Lucifer two drops of tears of her magic fox, the tears that is needed, to exile the demon within the body of the Emperor of China. The royal family of China thanked Lucifer, with a great deal of gratitude, not knowing Lucifer is actually a god, but thinking he is merely an ordinary doctor. Rose also came to China, to find Persia and only now did Persia realize this Lucifer, is also the one that saved her life, as a baby.

Lucifer gave Persia three silver needle and told Persia that each needle allows Persia to make one wish for Lucifer to grant. Persia made her first and second wish on her spot, which is to see Lucifer's face, as he for the past three hundred years only walk around wearing a mask and then it is for Lucifer to make an appearance at her birthday party. 

When Persia and Rose return to the Middle East, Jupiter and Juno was creating another gathering of the Gods. They also heard the news, the current King of the Gypsies has been killed (Juno have long abdicated) by the Christians. To avoid letting the Gypsy King's grave been violated by the Christians, Rose and Persia, took his body to Africa and bury him there. But was suddenly attack by an army of Yahweh's men, but a mystery man showed up and killed all of Yahweh's angels that was send to kill Rose and Persia. After Juno heard the news, she suspect that this man to be Lucifer and fear he would seek Rose for revenge, for his lost arm. However, it turns out, on his way to Persia's birthday party, Lucifer attacked the logistic supply of Yahweh’s' army both in heaven and on earth and then send a giant sand storm and let the front line of the Crusader army of the Catholic Church to die from been bury alive by the sand storm. Lucifer also found it is Michael's former apprentice archangel Raphael that killed the Gypsy King and his plan to then kill the Gypsy crown prince take his form and become the next Gypsy King, after doing all these, Lucifer came to Afghanistan to attend Persia's birthday. Here, Lucifer once again met his former teacher the Titan god Cronus and through Cronus' mouth, Lucifer learn, Juno lied to him, about Diana going to Venus and that the goddess of Venus, is really the goddess Aphrodite, whom have already travel between Venus and earth, many time, for the past one thousand years. 

Juno told Persia about how it is Rose who chopped off Lucifer's right arm and now finding out, she made up the story of Diana returning after one thousand years, she does not know, what Lucifer will do, as a result and advice Persia to stay away from Lucifer. But Persia fear that Lucifer would suicide, if he cannot meet Diana, went to find Lucifer, with his last Silver needle, telling him, her last wish is for Lucifer not to die, but on her journey, she was captured by the Archangel Michael

Lucifer, not able to meet Diana, jumped down the same pit and was sucked into the same black hole. After been sucked into the black hole, Lucifer found himself exiting, on another plan, in the other corner of the universe. It was not a part of a plan, but there was a small valley, water magically appeared and falls down a waterfall and run down a small river, where the water again magically disappeared at the end of the plan. Lucifer walked down the plan and found a small cave and that somebody live there, he also saw the weapons of Diana, "the lesbian moon sword" and the cloud whip, a whip made completely of clouds. Lucifer found Diana there and learns the water here, can cure all toxins. 

Horus entered this plan and with the help of Horus, Lucifer and Diana opened a warm hole and returned to earth. 

After learning about how Michael has captured Persia, Yahweh led an army of his angels, to Jupiter's camp. Outside the camp of Jupiter's army, Yahweh order for Persia to be tied up and prepare to burn her to death, if Jupiter and his army refuse to surrender, so that Yahweh and his army, can move East and conquer Asia, India, Africa and the rest of the Middle East and eventually take his army to conquer America and then the rest of the galaxy. But, Michael whom hope to make Persia, his apprentice hesitate when Yahweh order for Persia to be executed. Lucifer, Diana and Horus came forward and battle the army of Yahweh and his angels. Jupiter orders his army to attack and engaged Yahweh's army. As the two army fought, Lucifer engaged Michael, but Michael was defeating Lucifer. Lucifer thought of how after been split from Diana for one thousand years, they are to be apart again, with his death. A drop of tear fall down Lucifer's face, Lucifer grabbed the tear with his palm and threw it towards Michael, it place Michael under a spell, where he see his own sad story. Michael admit he is at fault for serving Yahweh, in exchange for power, turned around and saved Persia's life throwing her out of the pit of fire and to Lucifer. Michael himself fall into the fire pit and died. Lucifer place Persia into safety and join force with Horus to defeat Yahweh. Lucifer threw a lightning strike towards Yahweh, which seriously wounded Yahweh. Yahweh's body guards carried a seriously injured and unconscious Yahweh into hiding, before Horus and Lucifer can kill him, what is left of Yahweh's army crumbled. 

With the army of Yahweh finally been defeated in the 16th century, the gods. Divided the world into five districts, to be save guard by five gods. The East is safeguarded by Cronus, the west is safeguarded by Lucifer, the south is safeguarded by Neptune, the North is safeguarded by Jupiter and the centre is safeguarded by Cupid. Persia start working on the process of recovering the land of Europe from one thousand year of the rule of the church, Persia possessed the body of a dead English princess, which has been locked in a tower to be starved to death by her sister Queen Mary the bloody, which killed half of the English population. With the possession of a god, the locked away princess could survive for years without eating or drinking and when her sister Queen Mary died, the locked away princess became the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth the first and push for the initiation of Christian religion reform, after defeating the army of the church.  Diana and Lucifer, before disappearing from the world, wrote three books to be left for the world, the first book would inspire Catholic Priests to travel to China, they whom went their hoping to convert the Chinese, would instead be inspire by their way of thinking and bring their ideals back to the west, translating their text into Latin. The next book would inspire a generation of soldiers and led to General Napoleon to overthrow the rule of the church. As a next generation of leader emerged in the 17th century, to push for the independent between church and state, then the independent between church and education, allowing the rise of the Age of Enlightenment, a new goddess would emerged, the goddess Aradia, concealing her identity as a god and daughter of Lucifer and Diana, she protect those who led the Age of Enlightenment from the angels of Yahweh, on multiple occasion, when things are most dangerous.

Roman Goddess Diana (Also known as Artemis in Greek)

Cast Idea

Eka Darville as Lucifer

or Delta Goodrem as Diana

Walter Emanuel Jones as Jupiter (Zeus/Thor)

Karan Ashley as Juno

Mark Mitchinson as Arch Angel Michael (He mostly been a voice actor playing various monsters on the Power Rangers series)
Laura Spencer as Morgana

Jeff Ward as Yahweh (For Yahweh I am thinking more along the line of an image, associate with some jerky rich spoil rich kid that drive fast car and waste his parent's money, himself is nothing, but with money he can hire powerful warriors such as Michael to do his bidding for him)

Lucifer is the god of sun, so we choice a black guy (sun light associate with a tan skin tone image)

Diana is the god of moon, so we choice a white woman, with blond hair (moon light associate with a pale skin tone image)

All early humans are blacks, so if human are created in the image of the gods, then, the first gods, must also be black, so, we pick only black actors to play the high level gods, such as Jupiter and Juno.

Return of the Condor Heroes 2014 TV series adaptation trailer

Return of the Condor Heroes 2006 TV series adaptation trailer

(Would I get pay if any TV producer decide to take this idea to make a TV series? LOL)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cinderella Tears

Story Abstract

Hailey Walker is in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Sam Brown, but doesn't want to leave him. Their affair is not only abusive, but extremely romantic at the same time. Sam is good at sweeping a girl off her feet.

Hailey grew up believing that true love and happiness with a romantic man is a fairy tale come true. It becomes an obsession. She believes her relationship with Sam is what true love is supposed to be, so she continues to lie to herself and stays with this abusive man.

Sam doesn't love Hailey, and only wants to keep her as a trophy to prove that he can have a woman as beautiful as Hailey addicted to him. Despite being together with Hailey for over ten years, Sam is married to a rich woman named Nichole Stanmore.

Nichole doesn't love Sam and is ready to divorce him the second he does her wrong. She knows that Sam needs her family fortune to keep his business, so Sam won't do anything to anger his wife.

Nichole's father, Jeff Stanmore, owns a successful trucking company, but owes all his success to his wife, Sabrina, who has a doctorate in business. She transformed Jeff from a high school dropout into the successful businessman he is today. Jeff's affair with a nineteen-year-old Chinese exchange student angers Sabrina so much that she dies of a stroke. Soon after, Jeff starts to plan his next wedding.

Who will be crying Cinderella Tears in this intense novel?

First-time author Jui-Wei Yang lives in Australia. The issue of abuse to women was the inspiration for the book.

Wednesday Night, 8th June, Sydney

Hailey Walker, 27, walks on the streets of Sydney. It was a cold night, but the streets of the city at night were as busy as ever. In front of her, there are McDonald's, cinema, 24-hour Korean restaurant and 24-hour Chinese restaurant. There is a five-storey shopping mall across the street and a 20-storey apartment building above the shopping centre.

There are two ways to get into the apartment building above the shopping center. One is through the elevator in the shopping center, but you need an elevator key to get there and only the residents got it, the other way is through the doorway on the side of the apartment building.

Almost at 10:30 in the evening, the shopping center is closed. Hailey turned to the apartment door on the side of the apartment building. Hailey doesn't live here. Instead, this is where Chan lived. Hailey wanted to press the buzzer into Chan's apartment, so he would let her in, but instead she was frozen there for a second, and she remembered that Chan no longer wanted to have anything to do with her. An old man living in the apartment building turns the key and opens the front door.

"Do you want to come in, Miss?" said the old man.

Hailey hesitated. "Yes, thank you," she finally said.

She followed the old man and went in.

The ground floor of the apartment building looks to some extent like a big hotel, the floor and walls are decorated with tiles, making this place look very elegant, there is a reception desk in front of the wall, there is a security guard behind the desk, sleeping at work . On the wall facing the front, there are two elevators.

The old man walked into the elevator and Hailey followed him.

"Which floor?" asked the old man.

“Level sixteen please.” Hailey said

The old man pressed 9 and 16 on the control panel of the elevator. When they reached level 9, the elevator stopped and the old man went out. Then the elevator reaches level 16 and the elevator door opens again. Hailey went out. There is a corridor in front of Hailey, with three apartments on either side, at the end of the corridor, there is a balcony where you can see the city's night and the glass roof to the shopping center below.

Hailey went to Chan's apartment and she knocked at the door.

Chan opened the door and he was not happy to see Hailey.

"Oh, great, what do you want?" Chan said impatiently: "Let me guess, Sam again?" Hailey nodded. Sam is Hailey's boyfriend. They have lived together for two years. Sam is inclined to be physically and emotionally very abusive to Hailey.

"Look, I told you, I don't want to have anything to do with you, when you are still with that looser, okay?" Chan said.

“Ok” Hailey said, as she slowly turned around

“Wait” Chan said

Hailey turned to Chan

Chan sighed “Get in” he said

“Thank you,” Hailey said as she walked into Chan's apartment.

The apartment's door is located on the north side of the apartment. Once you enter the apartment, you enter the huge living room with three bedrooms on the east side and a large L-shaped balcony at the back of the bedroom that extends to the back of the south side of the living room. The balcony part behind the bedroom is connected to the neighbor's balcony. Chan’s balcony has a hot tub.

"Who is it?" Chan's girlfriend Emma came out of the kitchen.

"Hailey again" Chan said

"So, what are you waiting for? Let her in." Emma quickly said, let Hailey enter the house.

Chan sighed, “Get in” Chan said

"Thank you," Hailey said as she walked into the house.

"Why hell, we must always bring her in, when her man assaulted her?" Chan said unhappy.

"Oh, come on, because you are a lovely person, this is why I love you." Emma said

"Yes, I suppose." Chan said: "I think, Hailey can sleep on the sofa tonight."

"No, come on, she will take up the spare room." Emma smiled and led Hailey to the spare bedroom.

Hailey had a bruise on her face and she was beaten again by her boyfriend, this time because she didn't make Sam's favor food correct enough.

Chan and Emma own this apartment, they are all out going types, so they like to live in the city. They all make a lot of money, so they can afford such a place in this city.

Emma let Hailey enter the guess room and the two girls sit together on the bed. Emma looked at Hailey’s black eye.

"Jesus, what happened in your sweetheart? Your eye is swelling, let me see that." Emma said she looked at Hailey's black eye." You stay here. I will give you an ice pack." Emma Said, then she left the room.

Emma walks into the master bedroom that she shares it with Chan

"Hey babe, have you seen the ice pack we bought last week? Hailey's eye is swelling." Emma said

"She will be fine. Come to bed." Chan said

“No seriously come on, where is the ice pack?” Emma said

“I think it’s on the top shelf.” Chan replied

"Can you help me reach it, babe?" Emma said

"Of course," Chan said, he went to Emma, ​​but did not reach for the ice pack. Chan grabbed Emma's waste from behind, and put his body in front of Emma's back and began to kiss her neck.

"Come to bed, beautiful." Chan whispered to Emma's left ear.

Emma giggled. "No, really, come on, give me an ice pack." She said she still giggled.

"Come to bed." Chan said again, he began to kiss Emma under her left ear.

"Come on, help me get the ice pack." Emma giggled and said

"Okay, okay, you win." Chan said, he grabbed the ice pack on the top shelf and gave it to Emma.

"Thank you," Emma replied, and she kissed Chan's lips before returning to Hailey's room. Chan went back to sleep.

Emma walked into the room, and in the room, Hailey was still sitting on the bed.

"Here, this is for you." Emma said, hanging Hailey the ice pack.

“Thanks” Hailey said.

Hailey saw the election poster in front of her "Vote 1 Chan Wong". It wrote

"I can't believe he is actually a federal MP." Hailey said

"I know, who thinks he really succeeded? You know? He said that he wants to be a politician in law school. I never thought he would succeed." Emma said

Hailey smiled.

"Press the ice pack against your eyes and try to sleep, okay?" Emma said.

“Okay,” Hailey said with a smile.

Emma left the room.

Hailey tried to sleep, but in the next room, she could hear Emma and Chan having sex, they tried to keep the volume down, but considering that Hailey's bed was right next, to Emma and Chan's room, she could still hear it. But in the end Hailey finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Thursday morning, 9th June, Sydney

Hailey woke up around 7:30 in the morning.

Chan and Emma and their children Long and Ming have woken up and are having breakfast.

Chan was wearing a suit, his suitcase was sitting on a chair, next to him. Emma is wearing scrubs. She is a surgeon in the hospital. The older child is dressed in school uniforms, he is in the first grade. After breakfast, Chan will bring Long to the school and Ming to go to daycare and go to work. On the other hand, Emma only works part-time and will pick up the children after work.

"Good morning," Emma said after seeing Hailey out of the room.

"Hey," Hailey smiled.

Chan looked at Hailey and turned back to his food. He can't be bothered to pay attention to Hailey.

“Hi” Hailey smiles faintly to Chan.

"Mmm," Chan gave Hailey a slight acknowledgment, not even looking up.

Hailey's hair is messy, but she still looks like an angel. She is one of the hottest girls most men may have encountered in their lives.

Hailey comes from a family with a drunk and unemployed father who bash up her and her mother every day. Hailey's mother work as a maid to sustain the family income. When Hailey was ten years old, Hailey's mother died of bow cancer. A few months later, after her mother's death, Hailey was severely hit by her father. She was eventually hospitalized and finally sent away to a foster home. First, she was sent to live with her long-lost brother, Johnson, who left home at the age of Haily. But a year later, the military commando sergeant Johnson died in a training exercise. Since then, Hailey has moved from a foster home to another foster family until she is sixteen years old, working as a Supermarket checkout girl, completing high school and entering university for herself.

In her first year at the university, when she was eighteen years old, Hailey met Sam, a person who was studying hospitality at TAFE. It turned out that Sam was the kind of person who would attack his girlfriend. He is violent and he can't be bother to control it. If you walk down the street, you look at Sam in the wrong way, he will approach you and want to hit you, he does not respect Hailey or take care of Hailey.

But at the same time, Sam is also the kind of man who swept a girl off her feet. From the first day they started dating, Sam will tell Hailey how beautiful she is, how special she is, take her to a romantic restaurant on her Birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas and some time, for no special reason, he does everything he can to portray himself as a role for Hailey to be safe with him, as a protector and probably, also because of her own long-term looking for Cinderella's romance that Hailey desire and believe in so badly, Hailey unconsciously trap herself into this relationship because of the romantic gestures Sam offered. It is like a loving mother, enduring bad relationships, just to be able to be with her children.

For some people, it sounds stupid, but Hailey is too much in the mist of things to see things clearly. In addition, how does she accept the fact that the fairy tale she believes and the romantic story of Cinderella are just stories?

Related to Sam's abusive nature, Hailey chose to believe that this was just a "no pain, no gain" situation and chose to believe that true happiness requires sacrifice.

Chan actually likes Hailey very much, when they first met, but Hailey had already dated Sam for a month, so Chan moved to other girls.

Chan noticed there is something wrong about Sam from the beginning, but because he likes Hailey, during that time, he believes his judgment may be compromised, so he decided to remain silent.

For some strange reason, no one really understand, when she had a relationship problem with Sam, Chan became the person, Hailey turned to. Although Chan moved to other girls, he initially treated Hailey like a friend, so he listened to her wining emotional problem, in the beginning.

However, over time, Chan finally began to loose his patience with Hailey, especially considering the fact that Hailey would defend Sam at all costs, when Chan said Sam is not good. In addition, Chan never trusts Hailey 100%, he always remembers that there may be a small possibility, the plot is distorted, and Hailey is the problem.

Chan is not a mind reader, but his instincts tell him that Hailey is in denial and lying to herself, but he doesn't know why, the only advice he can give to Hailey is that no one can help her, except herself and she need to admit her got the problem, whatever it is, and talk to psychologists about it. One suggestion, Hailey is unwilling to accept.

In the end, Chan lost his patience with Hailey and no longer wanted to have any relationship with her. After a year after Hailey and Sam dated, Chan completely cut off Hailey. If it wasn't for Emma, ​​Chan still want nothing to do with Hailey.

Emma and Chan met in a bar. When they first met, Chan was looking for a one night stand. He got one from Emma, ​​but a week later, his mother came from Hong Kong and trying to stop his mother from nagging him to find a girl and settled down, he called Emma and asked her to go out. Chan only asked Emma because he wanted his mother to stop nagging him.

Unlike most people, Chan and his brother Tang and Wang and his sister Mulan did not see the importance of finding a girl, getting married, building a family and having children, as far as they think they can live with or without it. Therefore, they are not eager to find a soul mate. In fact, they do not care whether they have found the one or not, and that worries their conservative mother.

Chan originally planned to dump Emma, the second that his mother returned to Asia. If it wasn't because his mother stay for three months, Chan would never find quality in Emma, ​​which made him finally decide to give Emma a real shot. That is Chan got everything to gain from this relationship, and nothing to loose. He actually likes to spend time with Emma, so, he does not feel suffocated. And considering the fact that Emma is an extremely hot ex swimsuit model, showing her off, to his friends is very cool, so after two years of dating, Emma signed a preen-up and she agree to put their house under the name of Chan's mother, so he would not lose everything, in the separation, Chan and Emma moved in together.

Then, two years ago, Sam and Hailey moved in together. Before Sam and Hailey moved in, Sam only hurt Hailey on the emotional basis, but after half a year, they lived together, Sam also started violently assaulting Hailey.

When Hailey encountered problem with Sam, Chan began to be this person, she turns to. Chan still hopes to have nothing to do with Hailey, but considering that he hasn't seen Hailey for nearly nine years, he believes that any problem that caused Hailey to stay in the relationship has disappeared and decided to help her again and let her sleep on the couch.

But it turns out that Hailey still hasn't changed. Once it is obvious, to Chan, he starts to want to have nothing to do with Hailey again.

Coincidentally, Emma and Hailey went to high school together, and now because of Sam and Chan, Emma and Hailey re-contact, now BFF.

Chan has once again lost his patience with Hailey. If it wasn't for Emma, ​​he would have go from only letting Hailey sleep on the couch, to only letting Hailey sleep in the hallway outside his apartment and to stuffing her into the motel somewhere, he couldn't see it and finally closed the door on Hailey again.

"Are you going to work today?" Emma said

“Yap” Hailey said

“Are you coming back here, afterwards?” Emma asked

"I will go home." Hailey said

"Why I am not so surprised, it is always the same." Chan said. "I swear to God that if my children are in the school you teach, I will immediately pull them out of that school." Chan said

"So, do you think that I will not be a good mother?" Hailey asked.

Chan frowned. "Is this a fucked joke? Look at you, you can't even take care of yourself and you got terrible taste in men. AKA jack ass guy. I swear to God. Why don't you do this, just dump his, looser ass?" Chan said

"Don't call him that. He's not a loser. If you keep calling him that, I'll be angry." Hailey said

“Why am I not so surprised?” Chan said. He can't pay more attention to Hailey and turn his attention to the children.

"Come on, kids. Let's go." Chan said.

Chan stood up and began to move to the front door. The children got off their chairs and ran to the front door.

"I will see you tonight." Chan told Emma.

Emma smiled "See you tonight."

Chan and Emma kissed on the lips.

“Bye.” Hailey said

“Yeah, whatever” Chan replied

Then, Chan went to the front door to open it, then he and the children left the house, and then Chan closed the door behind him. Inside the house, Emma and Hailey can hear the sounds of Chan and the children outside for a few seconds, then it begins to fade and finally disappears.

"You must try my cooking" Emma said

“Thank you, but I am not hungry,” Hailey replied.

"Try it, or I will be angry." Emma smiled.

Hailey looked at Emma. Hailey smiled and tried some food. Only now, Hailey realized how hungry she is, she felt she could eat an entire cow, but she chose to be polite and only eat a little.

"It's good." Hailey smiled after she ate it.

"I told you." Emma replied: "Come on, I will take you to work." Emma said

Hailey let Emma gave her a ride to work.

Hailey is a primary school teacher. Emma drove her car to the elementary school where Hailey worked. Hailey got off the car.

“Thanks.” Hailey smiled

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to my place after work?" Emma said

"No, I am fine, thank you," Hailey replied.

"Well, I will see you around," Emma said, then she drove off.

Hailey walked into the school.

"Good morning," Angela said, when she met Hailey at the school corridor.

“Good morning.” Hailey replied

"Jesus! What's wrong with your eyes?" Angela asked when she saw Hailey's black eye.

"I stumbled in the bathtub last night." Hailey lied. Hailey never told anyone to work, anything about her problem with Sam, they only knew she had a comitted relationship with her boyfriend, that's it.

At lunch time, Hailey went to the staff room for lunch, and there was a big basket on the table with dozens of roses, a huge teddy bear and a box of chocolates. There is also a card in the basket. Hailey looked at the card, it came from Sam.

"Oh, how is sweet, you see my husband will never do such a thing for me. He doesn't even remember our wedding anniversary. He goes home on the wedding anniversary after work, eats dinner, and then goes balling with his mates from high school."Angela said

Hailey smiled. "Yes, I am really lucky," Hailey whispered.

"how many men still remember to send his girl flowers like this after all these years?Angela’s husband doesn’t even remember their wedding anniversary. I am really lucky.” Hailey talks to herself, ignoring all physical and emotional abuse Sam done, including a year ago, Sam legally married a daughter of a rich man living on the Gold Coast, after only knew the rich girl for two months.

Hailey smiled.

The school ended at around 3:30 pm, and at four o'clock, all the children in Hailey's class went home. Hailey quickly packed her things, walked out of school and started walking home to the train station.

The familiar sound of "hi" prevented Hailey's footsteps. It is Sam.

Hailey turned around. Sam stood next to his car.

“Hi” Hailey said

"Have you got the basket I gave you?" Sam asked.

“Yes, it is nice, thank you.” Hailey replied

"I know you like Lilly, but they only have roses, but here is a Lilly." Sam smiled and gave the one Lilly he got to Hailey.

Hailey took the flower. She smelled it and smiled. "Thank you. I like it."

"I am sorry that I lost my temper yesterday..." Sam's sentence was cut off.

“It’s Ok.” Hailey said

Sam smiled and said: "I don't know what I did, to deserve you. You are such a great girl." Sam said: "Come on, let's go home." Sam continued.

“Ok,” Hailey replied.

"Hey, Hailey!" Emma's voice suddenly appeared from behind.

Emma noticed Hailey, put her cell phone in her and Chan's apartment, then decided to drive to Hailey's school and hand it to her.

Sam turned his head and saw Emma for the second time. Everything was like a marfia stand off.

“Emma Simpson” Sam looked seriously and said

“Sam Brown” Emma replied

“What do you want?” Sam asked Emma

"None of your business" Emma replied, then she turned to Haley. "You left the phone." Emma said

"You stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, you fucked lesbian!!!" Sam finally lost his temper. He waved his fist at Emma, ​​ignoring Emma, ​​is a girl.

Emma quickly moved to the left and kicked Sam into her stomach. Her two-years of kick boxing training, is paying off.

Sam fell to the ground. Emma stepped back and waited for Sam to take action.

Sam grabbed the metal rod on the ground next to him. He stood up and waved at Emma. Emma jumped back, then she kicked Sam twice, once in her stomach and once on his face.

Sam fell to the ground. Emma went to Sam's metal rod, to throw it into the river, across the road. Sam was in too much pain to refuse. Emma grabbed the metal rod away from Sam, and when she did it, Hailey thought Emma, ​​was going to hit Sam with a metal rod, and she quickly ran to Sam's defense.

"No, Emma, ​​don't do this." Haily said quickly.

Emma quickly glanced at Hailey and threw the metal rod into the river.

"Come on, you are coming to our house tonight." Emma said

"I will be fine. I will go home." Hailey said

“You sure?” Emma frowned

Hailey nodded.

Emma looked at Sam, who was still on the ground. "You better not let me down punk." Emma said, then she walked back to her car and drove away.

“You Ok, sweetie?” Hailey went to Sam’s side and said

Normally, in this case, Sam would hit Hailey, putting out the anger he got from the embarrassment on Hailey, but considering what happened yesterday, Sam decided to refrain from hitting Hailey, today.

"I am fine." Sam replied as Hailey helped him stand up.

"Look, I really don't want you to go out with that Emma girl, anymore, Ok?" Sam said

Hailey nodded "OK," she replied.

Hailey helped Sam enter the passenger seat of the car, then she sat in the driver's seat and drove the car home. 

Hailey and Sam live in suburban apartments. It is actually interesting to call this place the apartment of Hailey and Sam, especially considering that Sam only stays here for a day or two every other week or two. Sam works in the Gold Coast, which is where he spends most of his time.

Sam and Hailey got off the car.

"Go take a bath, dinner will be ready soon," Sam said.

Hailey nodded.

Hailey walked into the bathroom, where the bathtub was filled with a steaming hot bubble bath.

"No one has done this for me. I am a lucky girl." Hailey said to herself.

Hailey took off her pink sweater and dark blue jeans and placed it on the chair next to the bathroom door. There were some bruises on her back. She got those from yesterday. When Sam hit her, there was a scar that was scratched by a belt. She got it from Sam six months ago.

Hailey slowly walked into the water and sat down to relax.

A few minutes later, Sam walked in with a glass of champagne and gave it to Hailey.

"Dinner will be ready soon," Sam said.

“Thanks” Hailey said

In the same time in Chan and Emma’s apartment

"I heard that you went to see Hailey after work today." Chan told Emma. They had just finished eating and were washing dishes in the kitchen.

“She forgot her cell phone at our house. I went to the place where she worked and gave it to her.” Emma said

“Was Sam there?” Chan asked

"Yes, how do you know?" Emma asked.

"I am psychic. I know everything. " Chan joked "It is just a lucky guess. In this case, I think he will appear in the place where she works, just in case some good friends talked some sense, into, her." Chan said

"He appeared, but I am not sure about the intention." Emma said

“I am never certain about his intention either. It is just a guess, assuming Hailey is speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, when it comes to her relationship with Sam.” Chan replied

“What do you mean?” Emma asked

“Maybe she is telling the truth when it come to her relationship with Sam, maybe she is not, maybe she is not telling the whole truth, maybe she is telling the whole truth, maybe she is telling some truth and some lie. I don’t know.” Chan replied

“You don’t trust her?” Emma asked

“No” Chan replied

"Well, I believe her. Sam tried to attack me today." Emma said. This is not something she wants to tell Chan, it just slipped out of her mouth.

"He what?!" Chen frowned and said

"But it doesn't matter, my two years of kick boxing training have paid off. I knocked him down." Emma said quickly.

“Well, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Chan asked

"Yes, I’m fine. I was so good that he didn't even have an opportunity to touch me." Emma said.

"Is the children there?" Chan asked

"No, they are not," Emma said.

"Look, I don't want you to have anything to do with them. It has gone too far. I mean trying physical attacks. I mean, I don't mind giving Hailey a place to crash when she says she is being bashed up by her man, assuming she was telling the truth, but that was when I knew you, the children would stay safe. I really don't want you to have anything to do with her, okay?" Chan said

"I can take care of myself and the children. I won't let anything happen to them." Emma said

"You are very lucky this time, but what if he brings a knife next time?" Chan said

"Look, Hailey is one of my best friends, I can't give up on her." Emma said

“This is not a laughing matter…” Chan’s sentence was cut off

“I’ll be fine.” Emma said

Chan knows that he can't stop her by saying anything, unless he tied her to the house and didn't let her go, he didn't plan to do that.

Chan sighed. "Okay, just promise me one thing. Make sure the children are safe?" Chan said

"Of course," Emma smiled. She kissed Chan on the chick.

"We don't have milk, I will go to the supermarket, downstairs to buy some, by the way, look at the new music store, downstairs. You want anything?" Chen asked

“Yap, some shampoo too, would you? The brand I normally use.” Emma said

Chan smiled “Alright” he said

Review for Barnes & Noble

Cinderella Tears by Jui-Wei Yang is a romance that touches upon a woman’s desperate desire to be wanted by a man. Hailey is being abused by her live-in boyfriend, Sam, but she refuses to leave him. Sam showers her with gifts and attention, when he isn’t using her as a punching bag. But Sam also has a wife, Nichole. Nichole’s family has money and Sam wants it, plain and simple. Nichole is looking for an excuse to divorce Sam, and when she finds out about Hailey, the marriage is over. The second story line in this novel focuses on Nichole’s father, Jeff, whose affair with a young exchange student named Rita is detrimental to the family. Rita’s plan is to get all of Jeff’s money, use their marriage to gain citizenship, and then divorce him and marry her high school sweetheart. But things don’t always go according to plan, and eventually enough is enough. Will Hailey finally decide that abuse doesn’t equal love? Will Jeff wise up to Rita’s plan to use him for his money? And if so, how will Sam and Rita react?

Cinderella Tears touches on some heavy topics like spousal and domestic abuse. Jui-Wei Yang explains some of the reasons that women would remain in a volatile relationship of that sort, and he does it in an interesting story about friendship and love. I was really surprised by the action that was present in these pages. Many of the characters have a martial arts background and use their knowledge to protect those being abused. I wasn’t expecting that much action from a romance, but it was a pleasant surprise and helped move the plot along.

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